Hi everyone.
I wanted to do a blog that I now find EXTREMELY important.
Everyone knows that backing up files in a minim
um of two different ways is important...but some still don't do it for whatever reason.
My reason was not having an external hard drive.
Boy was that a bad thing.
Here's my learning experience that has now a
nd forever changed my life.
You all remember Brianne and Karl's (yeah, I'd been spelling it incorrectly) wedding last week.
I had a TON of photos, and had finally finished editing them at around 1 on Thursday night and was about to export them - making the edits complete. Out of nowhere, my computer decides to freeze and the screen decides to go black.
"WHAT?!" I thought to myself while my bod
y went numb and an overwhelming feeling of dread and nausea flooded my body. I immediately took it to a repair center the next day and paid a nice chunk of change to get them to only try to recover everything...guess what...not everything was recovered.
I had lost all but one "getting ready" shot, and almost every ceremony shot...thank GOD I had one of her getting ready, one of her grandfath
er walking her down the aisle, and the big kiss.
I had every image from the reception, and all of the formals, too...but no ceremony...well very little, at least.
I had no back ups.
I was crying all night and thought that my career as a wedding photographer was over well before it had even begun to fully blossom!
In short, everything actually worked out just dandily; the couple loved all of the photos that I did manage to salvage, and "didn't even miss the ceremony shots!"
I'm extremely blessed and thankful to all forces that were working for me today!
It was a lesson learned that I DESPERATELY need to get an external hard drive, as well as maybe go ahead and purchase space on like a
carbon kind of site for storage.
I wanted to share this with everyone, because I don't want anyone to feel that numbing, nauseating panic that I felt.

Good night!