Today is my boyfriend's birthday!
It's also the 21st birthday of a good friend of mine!
I'm taking a few pictures of James (my boyfriend) for me, and tonight I'm taking photos at Cody's (the friend) party!
My beau stayed the night with me last night,
so this morning I woke up and went to go get donuts
after waking him with "(gasp) IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!"
I just love birthdays!
So, I got half a dozen donuts. 2 chocolate with sprinkles; 2 jam filled (apple and raspberry); 2 glazed.
I also got him a chocolate milk, because I gave it u
p for Lent (aka - torture)...I also got sugar in my eye...
After we had breakfast, he went home and I told him I'd meet him at his place later - I had to work on his little gift.
I made him a list called "22 Things I Love About You!" (hint: he turned 22 today. There are loads more things that I could come up with, but thought 22 would be good)

The list included things such as "Thank you for letting me still watch crappy t.v. like Degrassi and Top Model...At least I've stopped watching shows that have anything to do with Brett Michaels!" and "I love that your pupils grow when you look at and see me. I just love it."
and the number one thing that I love about James is that HE LOVES ME [too]! :D
More pictures this week!!!
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