I love working with bands - live or promo work, I just love it!
I'm a musician, too; so, that probably has something to do with it all.
So, I want to offer this nice little deal to all of those bands that need some promo work done!
Here's normally the deal:
- An hour long session at 1-2 locations in Austin, TX
- A CD with anywhere between 30-45 of the best, high resolution, edited images
- Reprinting Rights
- Internet permissions
This normally costs $175, but between now and Friday the 5th of June, I'm offering a 15% discount for bands that shoot between that time frame! This will bring the price down to $150!!
Email me at Dandy.As.Lions@gmail.com if this sounds like your cup of tea!

Hope everyone is having a great week!
Whoa, is that last one a musician photo? Because that's a pretty awesome idea. I love unassuming promos. :)
Yeah, that's my friend Philip Woodbury. He's so great! His idea was to be cooking and eating records. I like the shot quite a bit! Thanks, Jamie!
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