15 July 2010
'Show Off Your Interests' Bridal Portrait Contest: Winner!
27 June 2010
Austin Wedding | Maggie + Jimmy

17 June 2010
Sneak Peek: Maggie + Jimmy: Austin Wedding

27 May 2010
Contest: "Show Off Your Interests" Bridal Contest!
This Summer, I will be teaming up with Jaime Shauger of Makeup by Jaime for this great contest for all of you new brides-to-be out there!
So, here's the lowdown:
You don't want cookie-cutter bridals, right? You want bridal portraits that reflect you in the lovliest, most romantic way! Your personality, hobbies, and interests are what make you unique! That is what your bridal portraits should reflect: YOU!
All you have to do is email me (Alyssa) at Dandy As Lions Photography (which can easily be done at the 'contact' section of the website: http://www.dandyaslionsphoto.com) you craziest, most unique, and/or treasured interest or hobby, how or why you've come to love that interest so much, and how you'd like to have it incorporated in to your bridal session! It's that simple to enter the contest! The winner will receive a free one hour bridal portrait session in Austin, a data DVD of the images (along with a password protected online gallery available for up to 45 days, so you can show your friends and family if you so choose) with free professional make up done by Jaime!
The winner will be announced on Thursday the 15th of July 2010 before 7PM Central Time!
So, there you have it! An easy way to enter a chance to win a free bridal portrait session! Not just a bridal portrait session, but YOUR bridal portrait session that is uniquely YOU!
24 May 2010
Contests: Twitter & Facebook
Shame on me!
SO, to make up for it, I'm going to start doing little quick action giveaways and discounts that will ONLY be announced via Twitter and Facebook! I just announced my first one tonight (it ends at midnight central time and will be announced tomorrow before 3pm central time)!
That means that if you haven't added me on Facebook or if you aren't following me on Twitter, you might want to start doing that so that you can be included in on the fun :)
And for good measure, here is a photo of my tiny, budding tomato plant that has since this photo gotten bigger :)

Happy Monday, everyone!
10 May 2010
Bailey Lynn: Newborn

Approximately nine or ten months ago, a very close and very good friend of mine announced that she was pregnant! Time passed so quickly that it was already her due date and she gave birth last week!
While she was pregnant, she told me that she wanted me to be the baby's Aunt since she has no sisters. I was so ecstatic!
So imagine how excited and giddy I was when my friend, Rachel, filled me in to tell me that she gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl! I was out of town for their first weekend home, but upon returning to Austin I stopped by my place to grab my camera and headed right over to Rachel and her husband's home for a quick photo session!
Bailey Lynn, I love you!!

Your Auntie Lyssa!
04 April 2010
Adrienne + Royce Anniversary Post (50th Post!)
They are two of the sweetest people, and one of the kindest couples! This past February they celebrated their one year wedding anniversary and asked me to take some photos for the occasion! So, we hit up the beautiful Arboretum here in good old Austin, Texas! Thank goodness the weather was absolutely gorgeous! :)

To those who celebrate it, Happy Easter!
01 April 2010
A Great Article! Enjoy!
It's from about two months ago, and it goes into not only why photographers (that is, true professionals as opposed to hobbyists) should NEVER under sell themselves and the services provided; as well as explaining why consumers should not buy into the "I will shoot your wedding for only $200!!! You can't beat that!! I will always do that!" aesthetic!
Now, before posting, I will say that I was once a photographer that was unfamiliar with wedding photography and wanted to begin my journey into the field. As a novice, I offered my services at well below market price (foolish, I know...but I didn't think anyone would ever book me if I was appropriately priced in the market with little to no true experience. I had shot one and a half weddings when I decided to go at it alone.) (I know that a lot of aspiring wedding photographers have the same mindset I had, and I urge them to read this article as well! You should never undersell due to your experience or lack thereof. Price yourself appropriately! And experienced photographers that book weddings by low-balling other experienced photographers, well they really should know better! Everyone should really value themselves and the work they do appropriately, and I feel that potential clients should also look at the value of the work and the packages when looking at the prices - not just what is immediately behind the dollar sign).
I know that we are all trying to save money anywhere we can...but do you really want to look back on your wedding photos and say something like "Man...I really wish we had gone with _______________ Photography. We would have gotten so much more for our money."
I know I wouldn't want that!
So, without any further wait, here is the article!
'And You Call Yourself a Professional' by Scott Bourne
a. You cheat the client. This is the worst point. That’s right, the client who’s once-in-a-lifetime special day has just been handed to the cheapo wedding photographer is not going to be well-served. A true professional photographer has skills that Uncle Harry doesn’t. The better the skills the more longevity in the business and the better the chance the client is going to get images they want to come back for.
[...]remember this – photography is an incredible career field if done right – if you get the reputation for being cheap you won’t last long – because you’ve got nothing to fall back on. Develop your skill set first, then your marketing, then launch with a product that has the value it should and more importantly value that will last – cheap candles burn fast and they’re gone."
30 March 2010
24 February 2010
Just a Post
I am really excited about this year, though! Not only am I learning new things in my classes that I can then bring to my business, but I'm also just excited for business in general! I'm now working on building a larger base in Houston - which is where I will be living come the end of December 2010 - so, I am excited to work with couples and families in that area!
I've also redesigned my card (for the near millionth time) and I have to say - I LOVE IT!
I am so excited to meet and work with new and familiar couples and families this year! Soon, I'll be announcing my next special that caters to groups! So, keep an eye out for that :)
For now, I'll leave you with this image shot right outside of my apartment!

19 January 2010
Top 5% Nationwide!!!
"Austin, TX - 19 January 2010 - WeddingWire, the nation’s leading wedding technology company, just announced Dandy As Lions Photography has been selected to receive the 2010 Bride’s Choice Awards™ for Wedding Photography!
The annual Bride’s Choice Awards™ recognizes and celebrates excellence in quality and service within the wedding industry, as determined by recent reviews and extensive surveys from over 500,000 newlyweds.
Dandy As Lions Photography is among the top five percent of all vendors in the WeddingWire community, which includes over 100,000 wedding professionals across the US and Canada. Awards were given to winners across 19 different service categories, from wedding venues to wedding photographers.
“We are excited to recognize and honor the success of the top wedding professionals within the WeddingWire Community” said Timothy Chi, WeddingWire’s Chief Executive Officer. “The annual Bride’s Choice Awards™ program has given us the unique opportunity to highlight the best wedding professionals in each region as reviewed by brides and grooms who have utilized their services in the past year.”
We are happy to announce that Dandy As Lions Photography is among the very best Wedding Photographers within the WeddingWire Network, which includes WeddingWire and Martha Stewart Weddings. I would like to thank my past newlyweds for nominating us for the 2010 Bride’s Choice Awards™.
For more information, please visit our WeddingWire Storefront today at http://www.weddingwire.com/dandyaslionsphotography
I am so happy and blessed! Thank you to all of my fantastic clients - past, present, and future!
04 January 2010
:Loving Love:
I hope you're ready for all of the great specials I'm going to be running this year! I have them all planned out, and I think you'll enjoy them! Are you ready? Good!
I'm about to throw the very first Dandy As Lions Photography Session Special at you! It's called:
♥♥♥"Loving Love: Couple's Session Special"!!♥♥♥
Since it's a new year, I've also changed my prices and packages! I think you all will like the changes!
For 2010, standard portrait sessions start at just $275! They include a lot of things like longer shooting times and (my favourite new thing to offer you all) print credits!
Now, back to this couple special! When you book a regular couple's session, you'll get a $30 print credit! That means that you can order $30 of prints at no additional charge!!!
There you have it; the nub of the first photo special of 2010! So, if you'd like more information on booking a session for you and your sweetheart for a little Valentine's gift to one another; or if you want more information on this and any other special I'll announce later this year, just email me at
02 January 2010
Happy New Year!

Well, it's now officially the second day of 2010. It's 1:02AM as I write this! Can you believe how quickly time flew last year?! It was a great year, and I'll always look fondly back as I remember my first year in starting my career as a wedding photographer! I met my goal of booking six weddings last year, and I think that's pretty dang cool considering it was just little old me doing the marketing at first!
Now, it's a new year, and I am so excited for it! To ring in the new year, James and I decided to go to the Houston Zoo at Hermann Park! That park is exceptionally special to us now, because that is the park where James proposed to me on the 21st of November 2009 (all the way back in last year ha ha ha)! It was such an amazingly beautiful day; I'm glad I took my camera!! Here are just a few images from the zoo and the park! (Sorry if the web presentation of these images isn't up to par, as far as border and logo and such. There's a watermark, but hey! I'm tired here, people!)

and this little guy was in the back knocking around these giant tree limbs! Everyone was cheering for him going "Yeah! Just a little more and that tree limb is history!"
It was so great! I also love the colours my camera caught in these shots! I shot with my Canon EOS 5D and my trusty nifty 50mm at f/1.8. My camera was in "Faithful" mode, so everything was at 0. It was great! My ISO was between 50 and 200 all day! That's how bright and sunny it was! I loved it!

This was on our way out of the zoo and toward the main park area! Hermann Park is absolutely gorgeous! If you're ever in Houston, head over to the Rice University/Medical/Museum district and take a stroll through!
